What Is Master Guide?

Masterguide Explained! At some point, you may have heard the term "masterguide" and wondered who these guys were. Or perhaps you have noticed them in their magnificent green uniforms and wondered what makes them special. The purpose of this post is to give you an overview about a masterguide and how you may become one. What is masterguide? Masterguide is a development and mentorship program for youth leadership within the SDA Church. The purpose of this program is to develop Christlike leaders to disciple children, youth and young adults. The Masterguide's vision is to see all young people saved. In other words, as a masterguide you are trained and equipped for leadership service within the church. How to become a masterguide. In order to become a masterguide you have to complete the masterguide curriculum which can be subdivided into: Leadership Identity & Growth Lifestyle Development Spiritual Growth Community Development At the time of writing, the latest ...